Cathy is a Licensed Professional Counselor at Angels On The Horizon in Copperas Cove, TX. Currently, she is providing counseling services for Texas First Responders and Texas Veterans. Contact Angels On The Horizon and request an appointment with Cathy
As seen in the documentary, "Officer Involved", That Peer Support Couple, Cathy and Javier Bustos, are retired law enforcement officers. Throughout their careers, they have experienced many critical incidents separately and together. On August 18th, 2010 they experienced the trauma of a line-of-duty death for a fellow officer and friend at Cathy’s police department in Cedar Park, TX. A month later on September 25th, 2010, Javier was in an Officer Involved Shooting in Austin, TX. Cathy & Javier were thrust into a new and changed world. They had to adjust their lives to the “new normal”. It is important First Responders get help in the early days after a critical incident. The days of the macho “shaking it off” are in the past. With four decades of experience, their mission is to help other First Responders and their families manage the stress of critical incidents.
Cathy is a Licensed Professional Counselor at Angels On The Horizon in Copperas Cove, TX
Cathy serves as a Mental Health Clinician, Licensed Professional Counselor for Post Critical Incident Seminars at the Bill Blackwood Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas, Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, TX. Javier, a Veteran of the United States Air Force, Security Forces Defenders, is certified International Critical Incident Stress Foundation First Responder Peer Support. He is a peer support volunteer at Texas PCIS.
Cathy and Javier volunteer at National Police Week in Washington, DC as Support Services. They are part of Wellness Services for Survivors of Blue Suicide.
They are certified Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Instructors.
Cathy and Javier are keynote speakers providing powerful messages of personal and professional survival.
Cathy and Javier have specific topics they wish to stress to the First Responder community:
Building Family Bonds, Career Survival, Dealing with Trauma, Mindfulness, Resiliency, Stress Management, Self Care, Suicide Education & Prevention, Wellness, Trauma Informed Leadership, Officer Involved Shootings
"Warriors Healing Warriors: A First Responder Marriage & Surviving Critical Incidents"
Multiple critical incidents during their careers as officers and spouses tested them professionally and personally. They share their personal story. They are also available for consulting if your agency needs assistance starting a Peer Support Team.
Cathy and Javier are International Critical Incident Stress Foundation approved and certified Group Crisis and Assisting Individuals in Crisis instructors. Cathy is also a certified trainer on the topic of Law Enforcement Suicide.
If you or your team needs to be peer support certified, please contact us to set up a peer support certification class.
Tuesday Tips with That Peer Support Couple and Cyndi Doyle of Code 4 Couples: "When Facebook Is Your Marriage Counselor"
Reach out and contact someone who is struggling with trauma. If you are struggling seek help by making contact. All it takes is #Just1Contact